StrikePoint Gold, Inc. (OTCQB:STKXF) (TSX-V:SKP)
Breaking News -
August 22, 2017
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 08/22/17 --
StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSX-V:SKP)
pleased to report encouraging initial assays from grab samples collected from
across the Pluto Property in the Kluane Region of the Yukon Territory.
A total of 68 surface sample assays have been completed to date by ALS
Laboratories and results reflect the polymetallic nature of the Pluto property.
Gold assays ranged from trace to 48.4g/t Au, including a separate sample of
36.3g/t Au. The highest-grade samples were collected from the Charon target,
which is the current focus of a RAB drill program.
Samples from within the same area also returned elevated copper values copper,
with results ranging from trace to 1.23%. Copper mineralization appears to be
localized in schist units, while gold is associated with arsenopyrite and pyrite
within marble and skarn layers. Surface mineralization at Charon has a strike of
1.2km west to east, and 400m north to south, and is still open on all sides.
In addition to the gold and copper values, this latest set of results has
returned silver assays from trace to 333g/t. The high grade silver sample runs
2.07g/t gold and represents a significant easterly step out of 2 km from the
Charon Zone. Samples collected from between this location and the central Charon
area are still pending assays.

Extensive mapping and study of the area since mid-July has shown that
mineralization is not linked to a single skarn layer as initially thought, but
instead there is evidence of multiple lithologically controlled beds that are
stacked in section, with the presence of sulphide mineralization throughout.
These units align well with resistivity / conductivity data gathered during a
Ground Induced Polarization (IP) Survey by Groundtruth Exploration and are
proving useful for drill targeting.
StrikePoint Gold is currently drilling on the Charon Target and will shortly be
moving to drill test the Hydra Target, located 6km to the southwest. Hydra has
shown similar geology and mineralization to Charon as well as compelling
geophysical data. All drill results are currently pending and will be reported
on as soon as available.
The Company maintains a rigorous QA/QC program with respect to the preparation,
shipping, analysis and checking of all samples and data from the properties.
Quality control for field sampling and drill samples at the Company's projects
covers the complete chain of custody of samples, including sample handling
procedures and analytical-related work, plus the insertion of standard and blank
materials. The QA/QC program also includes data verification procedures. ALS
Laboratories in Vancouver, Canada (ISO 17025:2005 accreditation) assayed all
samples from the current field program using fire assay and ICP Mass
Spectroscopy methods.
The technical information contained in this news release has been approved by
Andy Randell, P. Geo., Vice President, Exploration of StrikePoint Gold. Mr.
Randell is a qualified person as defined in NI 43-101.
For further information, please review the Corporate Presentation on the
StrikePoint Gold Inc. website for a more detailed, comprehensive review of the
2017 exploration program:
Shawn Khunkhun, CEO and Director
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that
term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Shawn Khunkhun
Source: StrikePoint Gold Inc.
StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Announces Encouraging Initial Results From Yukon Exploration
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 08/09/17 --
StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSX-V:SKP)
pleased to report the encouraging results from surface sampling undertaken in
June 2017 at its wholly owned Mahtin gold property. Rock chip samples from skarn
material over an area extending for 900 m returned grades up to 9.20 g/t Au.
Additional samples from an area previously thought to be unmineralized graded up
to 2.20 g/t Au. A RAB drill program of six holes totaling 630m has been
completed in this area. Results are pending.
Samples grading up to 293 g/t silver were also returned from an area 1km to the
east of the drilled area suggesting mineralization extends into the adjacent
valley. The results received to date suggest an area of interest extending over
a 2km strike length. Additional step out sample results are pending. The
majority of sulphides observed and encouraging
gold and silver grades are from limestone skarns around the periphery of the
Sprague Creek Stock. Additionally, arsenopyrite bearing quartz veins were
sampled from within the granodiorite stock itself for which results are also
The May-Qu target, 17 kilometers to the southeast of Mahtin North target has
also been mapped and sampled. Initial results from grab sampling have returned
assays including 2.22 g/t Au, 2.12g/t Au and 1.74 g/t Au. A RAB drill program of
three holes totaling 300m has also been completed here.
Further assays are pending from the laboratory for both surface sampling and the
initial drilling. Results will be released when these are finalized.
The Company maintains a rigorous QA/QC program with respect to the preparation,
shipping, analysis and checking of all samples and data from the properties.
Quality control for field sampling and drill samples at the Company's projects
covers the complete chain of custody of samples, including sample handling
procedures and analytical-related work, plus the insertion of standard and blank
materials. The QA/QC program also includes data verification procedures. ALS
Laboratories in Vancouver, Canada (ISO 17025:2005 accreditation) assayed all
samples from the current field program using fire assay and ICP Mass
Spectroscopy methods.
The technical information contained in this news release has been approved by
Andy Randell, P. Geo., Vice President, Exploration of StrikePoint Gold. Mr.
Randell is a qualified person as defined in NI 43-101.
For further information, please review the Corporate Presentation on the
StrikePoint Gold Inc. website for a more detailed, comprehensive review of the
2017 exploration program:
Shawn Khunkhun, CEO and Director
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that
term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Shawn Khunkhun
Source: StrikePoint Gold Inc.
StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Commences Drilling on the Pluto Property, Kluane, Yukon Territory
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 07/19/17 --
StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSX-V:SKP)
pleased to report the commencement of drilling on the Pluto Gold Project.
Initial drilling activity is focused on the northerly Charon target where a
total of six RAB holes are planned, after which the drill will be relocated to
the southerly Hydra target for an additional four holes. Both targets have
high-grade soil assays that are coincident with geophysical anomalies.
Charon consists of a soil anomaly with samples running up to 15,342 ppb gold
with complimentary rock grab samples assaying up to 7.11g/t gold, and stretching
for 1.2km east to west. It is proposed that these anomalous soils are related to
several layers of mineralized limestone that was mapped in 2012. These
limestones have been altered by hydrothermal fluids from successive intrusions
of volcanic dykes into the sedimentary package.
The mineralization model of the Hydra target is not well understood at this
point, yet it appears to be a series of gold-bearing quartz veins in silicified
biotite schist. This has resulted in soil samples returning grades up to 3,427
ppb Au over an area 1km by 1km.
The Charon and Hydra targets are situated 6km from each other, with the ground
in between exhibiting similar gold in soil anomalies, namely on the 'Stix' and
'Nix' targets. It is currently assumed that Charon and Hydra form the northern
and southern boundaries of a large, potentially mineralized zone.
An Induced Polarization (IP) geophysical survey undertaken by Groundtruth
Exploration in June 2017 highlighted several low resistivity anomalies that are
coincident with the high-grade soil and rock chip samples at surface. These
anomalies also show an apparent dip which is like that of the surrounding
sedimentary units.
Drill holes will be between 100m to 150m in depth to test both the shallow and
deeper geophysical anomalies.
The Pluto Property
The Pluto property is in the Kluane region, and is one of the largest in
StrikePoint's portfolio, approximately 40 x 30km in size, 100km southwest of
Carmacks. Pluto sits relatively close to the latest discoveries in the White
Gold district, and is aligned along strike with this group of projects. However,
initial analysis of the geology seems to show a unique mineralizing style for
the area; the formation of skarns in contact with large, regional 'ring' dyke
volcanic features.
The presence of a shallowly dipping 'dirty' limestone unit in the local
lithology has become a focus for mineralization when intercepted by dykes of
rhyolitic / dacitic material. The skarns are identified by anomalous
gold-in-soil results where they outcrop in the sides of the valleys, which
indicates that there is volume potential of the mineralization, a hypothesis
that will be drill tested in 2017.
For further information, please review the Corporate Presentation on the
StrikePoint Gold Inc. website for a more detailed, comprehensive review of the
2017 exploration program:
This news release has been reviewed by Andy Randell P. Geo., Vice President,
Exploration of StrikePoint Gold, the Qualified Person for the technical
information in this news release under NI 43-101 standards.
Shawn Khunkhun, CEO and Director
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that
term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Shawn Khunkhun
Source: StrikePoint Gold Inc.
StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Commences Exploration Activities on the Pluto Property, Kluane, Yukon Territory
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 07/14/17 --
StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSX-V:SKP)
pleased to report on the progress of its $2.5M summer gold exploration program
in the Yukon. Comprehensive work including drilling has been completed on the
Mahtin property. The crew is now working on the Pluto property judged to be
Strikepoint's highest ranked target. Exploration is also planned this season for
several other targets.
The Pluto Gold Project is located approximately 100km west-southwest of the town
of Carmacks in the central Yukon Territory. The StrikePoint Team have
established their camp and are currently undertaking a mapping and sampling
program, with drilling due to start on or around July 16th. Two main targets
have been identified for exploration work, the northern "Charon" target and the
southern "Hydra" zone.
Charon consists of a soil anomaly with samples running up to 15,342 ppb gold,
and stretching for 1.2km east to west. It is proposed that these anomalous soils
are related to a layer of mineralized limestone that was mapped in 2012. These
limestones have been altered by hydrothermal fluids from successive intrusions
of volcanic dykes into the sedimentary package.
The mineralization model of the Hydra target is not well understood at this
point, yet it appears to be a series of gold-bearing quartz veins. This has
resulted in soils samples returning grades up to 3,427 ppb Au over an area 1km
by 1km.
Both targets have been the subject of an Induced Polarization (IP) Geophysical
study in June carried out by Groundtruth Exploration. The results are currently
being analyzed and will be used for targeting the RAB drill program.
The Pluto Property

The Pluto property is in the Kluane region, and is one of the largest in
StrikePoint's portfolio, approximately 40 x 30km in size. Pluto sits relatively
close to the latest discoveries in the White Gold district, and is aligned along
strike with this group of projects. However, initial analysis of the geology
seems to show a unique mineralizing style for the area; the formation of skarns
in contact with large, regional 'ring' dyke volcanic features.
The presence of a shallowly dipping 'dirty' limestone unit in the local
lithology has become a focus for mineralization when intercepted by dykes of
rhyolitic / dacitic material. The skarns are identified by anomalous
gold-in-soil results where they outcrop in the sides of the valleys, which
indicates that there is volume potential of the mineralization, a hypothesis
that will be drill tested in 2017.
Update on Mahtin Exploration
Exploration work was undertaken on the Mahtin Property between June 6th and July
4th, with a focus on the Mahtin North and MayQu target areas. A total of 164
grab samples were taken from across the Mahtin property, including from
potential new zones of mineralization discovered on the Alp-Forty claims in the
southwestern portion of the Mahtin claim block.
A total of nine RAB holes were drilled, with six in Mahtin North and three on
MayQu, ranging from 80m to 150m depth each.
All grab and RAB chip samples are currently with the laboratory for assaying,
and results are pending.
Baseline environmental studies were also completed on both the Mahtin North and
MayQu targets, including wildlife surveys and water sampling. The use of the RAB
drill has minimal environmental impact. All collar locations were cleaned and
reclaimed immediately after drilling was completed.
StrikePoint Gold also took part in the First Nations of the Na-Cho Nyak Dun
'Industry Day' on June 25th, presenting to the Council and Community the Mahtin
and Golden-Oly projects which lie within their traditional territories.
Other July Activities
In addition to drilling at Pluto, StrikePoint will also undertake some regional
work on the Sapphire, Kilo and Garnet properties which are also within the
Kluane region. Exploration activities will be restricted to mapping and sampling
of anomalies highlighted by work completed in 2012 by Ryan Gold Corp.
A small advance team will also mobilize into the North Canol Road area to
undertake some first pass work on the Golden-Oly targets.
For further information, please review the Corporate Presentation on the
StrikePoint Gold Inc. website for a more detailed, comprehensive review of the
2017 exploration program:
This news release has been reviewed by Andy Randell P. Geo., Vice President,
Exploration of StrikePoint Gold, the Qualified Person for the technical
information in this news release under NI 43-101 standards.
Shawn Khunkhun, CEO and Director
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that
term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Shawn Khunkhun
Source: StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Strikepoint Gold Commences
Drilling on the Mahtin Property, Mayo, Yukon Territory
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 06/12/17 --
StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSX-V:SKP)
pleased to announce that drilling has started on the Mahtin Project, located
approximately 40km northwest of the town of Mayo in the central Yukon Territory.
Drilling is currently underway at the Mahtin North target, an area of
copper-gold skarn mineralization. A total of eight holes are planned along a one
kilometer line to test the extent of mineralization at depth.
In addition to drilling, the field crew is continuing to map along the Sprague
Creek Stock contact to collect sulphide-bearing rock samples for assay from
previously untested areas, covering a strike of 3.5km on a bearing of 070
degrees. Results of this work are pending.

Mapping and sampling focus will shortly switch to the May-Qu target on the south
of the Mahtin property to prepare the area for the second phase of exploratory
drilling in the coming weeks.
Mahtin Property
The Mahtin Property is synonymous in geological setting and mineralization style
as Victoria Gold's Eagle Gold Project, 40km away to the northeast.
Mineralization has been identified in association with two intrusive stocks:
Sprague Creek (3.6 x 1.5km) and Bos Stocks (4 x 1.1km). It is generally
understood that the best mineralization in the Mayo area occurs along a '070'
degree trend along the northern contacts of Cretaceous-aged granodiorite
intrusions, diagnostic qualities that are observed in both Mahtin stocks.
Historic exploration on site included the collection of 18,406 soil samples
across the entire property, airborne geophysical surveys, mapping and sampling.
For further information, please review the Corporate Presentation the
Strikepoint Gold Inc. website for a more detailed, comprehensive review of the
2017 exploration program:
StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Shawn Khunkhun
Source: StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Strikepoint Gold Inc.
Commences Exploration on the Mahtin Property, Mayo, Yukon Territory
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 06/07/17 --
StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSX-V:SKP)
pleased to announced that exploration has started on the Mahtin Project, located
approximately 40km northwest of the town of Mayo in the central Yukon Territory.
A team of eight exploration staff arrived has been mobilized to the area and are
starting exploration work on the Property. Initial work will include detailed
mapping and sampling over two core targets, as well as regional follow up on
several other previously unexplored geochemical anomalies. This is the vanguard
operation ahead of the arrival of the RAB drill to site within days.
Mahtin Property
The Mahtin Property is synonymous in geological setting and mineralization style
as Victoria Gold's Eagle Gold Project, 40km away to the northeast.
Mineralization has been identified in association with two intrusive stocks:
Sprague Creek (3.6 x 1.5km) and Bos (4 x 1.1km) stocks. It is generally
understood that the best mineralisation in the Mayo area occurs along a '070'
degree trend along the northern contacts of Cretaceous-aged granodiorite
intrusions, diagnostic qualities that are observed in both Mahtin stocks.
Historic exploration on site included the collection of 18,406 soil samples
across the entire property, airborne geophysical surveys, mapping and sampling.
The 2017 program has been carefully arranged to maximize return on expenditure
wh ile
increasing understanding and minimizing environmental impact.
The plan includes aerial drone surveys of the property to collect regional
geological / topographical data, track mounted RAB drilling, 'backpack drill'
prospecting, detailed mapping and grab sampling of surface showings.
Mahtin North Target
Mahtin North consists of a copper-gold skarn unit in contact with a gold-arsenic
sheeted vein intrusion. Sampling in 2012 returned assays of up to 15.05g/t gold
in the peripheral skarn, while the stock itself remains as an untested soil
anomaly with a geochemical signature which suggests intrusion related gold
deposits (Au:As +/- Bi:Te), such as seen at Victoria Gold Corp. Eagle deposit.
The anomaly covers an area of 2km by 1.5km, and is currently open on all sides.
The initial work plan includes expanding sampling to the north into previously
unmapped skarns, highly detailed (1: 1,000 scale) mapping along the proposed
drill area, and further investigation, mapping and direct sampling to test the
mineral potential of the Sprague Creek stock itself.
A preliminary drill plan has been designed to test the highest-grade contact
zone, consisting of eight RAB holes.
May-Qu Target
May-Qu is a subgrouping of claims within Mahtin on the southeast end of the
property. The main feature is the 'Bos Stock'; a Cretaceous-age granodiorite
stock that has intruded into Hyland Group quartzite and schist. Samples
collected in 2012 highlighted gold-bearing quartz-arsenopyrite sheeted veins
within the granodiorite running up to 3.37 g/t Au from within the Bos Stock. The
westerly 'nose' of the intrusion has become a focus for distal polymetallic
veins that returned assays of up to 2.59 g/t Au and 313g/t Ag. The combined
mineralized target covered an area of 3km by 3km, and is open to the west and
Work on the target will include detailed mapping of the proposed drill targets,
additional sampling of the Bos Stock to assess potential and sampling on to the
west of the main stock (across the Josephine Fault) for additional polymetallic
silver veins.
Mayo Community
Staff from Strikepoint / SGDS Hive met with the Na-cho Nyak Dun First Nations on
May 17th to discuss the upcoming work plan and possible community
collaborations. Attendance to the Strikepoint Health and Safety Orientation day
on May 26th 2017 was opened to and attended by band members. Strikepoint will
continue to collaborate with the First Nations and the local Mayo community
throughout the duration of the program, providing opportunity for both parties.
Strikepoint has offered to donate aerial imagery and any environmental survey
data to the peoples of the Na-cho Nyak Dun to assist in their understanding of
their own Traditional Territories.
The Yukon Territory has remerged as a world-class exploration district with
recent discoveries and acquisitions in 2016, including: Golden Predator's 3 Aces
discovery, Goldcorp's $520,000,000 purchase of Kaminak Gold's Coffee project and
Agnico-Eagle's ongoing investment into the White Gold district. The Strikepoint
Gold portfolio holds properties in these emerging and known gold districts
representing several geological domains and potential for commodities beyond
just gold.
For further information, please review the Corporate Presentation the
Strikepoint Gold Inc. website for a more detailed, comprehensive review of the
2017 exploration program:
Shawn Khunkhun,CEO and Director
StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Shawn Khunkhun
Source: StrikePoint Gold Inc.
About StrikePoint Gold, Inc.:
StrikePoint Gold Inc. (Canada: TSX.V:SKP) (US: OTC:STKXF) has purchased a
portfolio of 22 properties located in the Yukon. The properties were previously
held by Ryan Gold Corp., who spent over $25 million on exploration between 2010
and 2014. The acquisition comes with an extensive database of soil and rock
samples, geophysics, geological mapping and drilling results. Several properties
are ‘drill ready’ targets, while the others are in advanced stages of
exploration. Subsequently, StrikePoint has raised $8M with strategic
institutional investors to advance the Yukon properties.
Yukon Portfolio Highlights:
- A large land package (282,000 hectares), comprising 14,031 claims in 22
Ryan Gold spent $25m in exploration costs between 2010 and 2014 (from 2014
- Most of the early stage work has been completed: soil sampling, geological
mapping, airborne geophysics etc.
- Three projects are at an advanced, drill ready stage, some with multiple
targets on the same property.
- Remaining 19 properties all have potential to be developed further with minor
amounts of additional work.
- Several of the primary targets have neighbouring projects with known
- The highest priority targets are accessible, and often in unglaciated terrane,
making exploration activities easier and cheaper.
- The Yukon Territory remains one of the most friendly mining jurisdictions in
the world for mineral potential and investment attractiveness (Fraser Institute
Annual Survey of Mining Companies, 2015)
The Yukon Territory: A Mining Friendly Jurisdiction
Picture2The Yukon Territory has long been a friendly jurisdiction for mining and
exploration. Government schemes exist to enable exploration, namely the Yukon
Mineral Exploration Program (YMEP), with grants up to $40,000 towards
exploration costs available. Between 2010 and 2015, $5.5million was allocated in
YMEP funding for ‘hard rock’ exploration. Yukon Geological Survey and the
Energy, Mines and Resources Departments are great sources of information to aid
in exploratory work. Local First Nations Bands are open to discussions regarding
exploration work and many agreements for advanced projects have been
successfully created. Transport network is well maintained and reliable,
including airports and roads. Many suppliers and support industries exist in the
Yukon; good for budget planning and turnaround.
This marks the beginning of a new era for StrikePoint Gold in Canada’s best
mining jurisdiction. With this acquisition of 22 properties, StrikePoint is
armed with an extensive database of rock and soil samples, geophysics,
geological mapping and drilling results totalling more than $25 Million. We
eagerly await the start of our 2017 exploration season and look forward to
exploring our drill ready targets
Shawn Khunkhun, CEO of StrikePoint Gold
Members of the StrikePoint Gold management team have a successful track record
as managers and directors in companies who have discovered and funded the
development of economic ore deposits for new gold or gold-associated deposits.
StrikePoint explores in mining-friendly jurisdictions within North America to
discover large footprint ore deposits of gold, silver and/or copper. StrikePoint
Gold acquires new projects for evaluation based on sophisticated evaluation
metrics. The management team uses cost-effective exploration methods to maximize
the early stage evaluation of potential deposits. Exploration methods used by
StrikePoint include using new technology in tandem with traditional geochemical
and geophysical techniques such as LiDAR and satellite based remote sensing
Management & Directors
Shawn Khunkhun
CEO & Director
Shawn Khunkhun has over 15 years of experience in the capital markets and
mineral exploration and development sector. As President and CEO, Mr. Khunkhun
is involved in the company's marketing, financing and corporate development. Mr.
Khunkhun has developed long-standing relationships with an extensive global
network of high net worth investors, analysts, brokers, investment bankers and
private equity groups.
Andy Randell
Vice President of Exploration
Andy Randell is a Vancouver based geologist with nearly 20 years of experience
from Europe, South and North America across a variety of commodities. He founded
his own consultancy, Strata GeoData Services in 2014, and then launched the
‘Hive’ initiative shortly afterwards, whereby graduate geologists are given the
opportunity to work and be mentored on real geological projects. He was
subsequently recognised by the Canadian Institute of Mining in 2016 when he was
awarded the Bedford Young Mining Leaders Award for the Hive concept. In January
2017, Andy was elected onto the Board of Directors for the Association for
Mineral Exploration (AME) for a three-year term. He also sits on the Mentoring
Committee with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists BC (APEGBC),
is on the CIM Geological Society committee and is President of the Below BC
Geological Association, a public facing geological education non-profit society.
Michael McPhie
In a career spanning more than 20 years, Mr. McPhie has worked throughout Canada
and globally as an executive in the mining and minerals industry, and is a
specialist in regulatory and permitting issues and project development and
financing. In addition to serving as executive chairman of IDM Mining Ltd., a
company he founded with his partner Rob McLeod, who serves as CEO, Mr. McPhie is
the founder and CEO of Falkirk Resource Consultants Ltd. and managing director
of JDS Gold Ltd.Mr. McPhie was CEO of Curis Resources Ltd., a copper development
company that was taken over in 2014. He also served as a director and executive
vice-president of Exeter Resource Corporation, CEO of the Mining Association of
British Columbia (MABC) and a policy director with Canada's Department of
Natural Resources. Mr. McPhie is the recent past chair of the board of the
Association for Mineral Exploration B.C. (AMEBC) and the British Columbia
Institute of Technology (BCIT), and a current board member of the MABC.
Adrian Flemming
Adrian Fleming is a professional geologist with over 40 years of technical and
executive experience with exploration and development stage mining companies. He
was the co-founder and president of Underworld Resources from 2006-2010. In
2007, Mr. Fleming, together with colleague Rob McLeod, acquired a Shawn Ryan
project with interesting soil geochemistry results. Mr Fleming led the team
which made the discovery and defined the maiden resource of the million-ounce
White Gold deposit, located in the White Gold district, Yukon. The project was
subsequently acquired by Kinross in 2010 for $138M.
Mr. Fleming was also involved with gold discoveries and/or developments at
Porgera in PNG, Big Bell in Western Australia, Gross Rosebel in Suriname and
Hope Bay in Nunavut.
Ian Harris
Mr. Harris is a mining engineer with over 20 years of mining experience. He was
most recently senior vice-president and country manager of Corriente Resources
in Ecuador, and was directly involved in the operations and negotiations that
led to the sale of Corriente for $690-million (U.S.). Mr. Harris brings a strong
background of project management, strategic management and technical skills to
the board of Strikepoint.
John Florek
Technical Advisor
Mr. Florek is a professional geologist with over 23 years of diversified
experience in the mining industry, including exploration and operations. He has
an MSc in geology and his work has covered a broad range of mineral commodities,
including gold, base metals, platinum group metals and diamonds throughout
Canada, United States, Australia, Europe, plus Central and South America. Mr.
Florek was previously responsible for the management and execution of mineral
exploration and development for BHP Minerals, Placer Dome and Barrick. He was
part of the team that received the 2008 Developer of the Year Award, presented
by the Northwestern Ontario Prospectors Association, for extending the life of
mine at Barrick's Hemlo mine.
Darryl Jones
Mr. Jones has over 15 years of capital market experience and an established
financial network. Prior to joining Strikepoint in 2015, Mr. Jones was an
Investment advisor with PI Financial Corp Canada and Raymond James Ltd Canada.
He was responsible for raising significant risk capital for growth companies in
all sectors, with a particular focus on natural resources.
Mark Gelmon
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Gelmon obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of British
Columbia and subsequently attained his chartered accountant designation in 1995
and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of B.C. Mr. Gelmon has
provided his expertise to several TSX Venture Exchange listed companies in the
capacity of director, chief financial officer and consultant. His background as
a C.A. provides the Company with the necessary skills required for financial
management, reporting operating results to the Board of Directors, liaison with
financial institutions, and compliance with today's complex regulatory reporting
Marion McGrath
Corporate Secretary
Ms. McGrath has been actively engaged in the securities industry for 30 years.
She has served as a director and officer of numerous public companies in a
corporate administrative capacity. Ms. McGrath is the owner of iO Corporate
Services, which provides corporate and accounting services to various publicly
traded Canadian companies. Prior to organizing iO Corporate, Ms. McGrath was a
senior paralegal with a Vancouver-based securities law firm
Mahtin Property
- The area around the Mahtin property is well known for its long history of gold
and silver mining, stretching back into the 1890’s.
- Mahtin is surrounded by several properties that have seen successful
exploration results, including Victoria Gold’s Eagle Gold Project, a fully
permitted development site.
- Geologists engaged by Strikepoint have both worked on the Mahtin and Eagle
Gold projects, and so are highly familiar with the model and geological signals
indicative of Intrusion Related Gold Systems.
The Bos Stock intrudes into sedimentary rocks of the Hyland Group, covering an
area of 3.5km by 3.0km. Work by Rya n
Gold shows a significant soil anomaly covering the area. Advanced geological
maps have been completed for the May-Qu block. Grab samples have returned up to
3.37g/t Au over the intrusion, and 313 g/t Ag in the distal vein systems. Next
step would be drilling to assess extent and mineralisation of pluton below
sedimentary cap
Mahtin North
Similar to the May-Qu zone, but here the plutons have intruded into limestone
stratigraphy, resulting in extensive skarn deposits. The known strike length of
the mineralised zone is 3.6km, and is open west, east and south. Potential for
intrusive body to be mineralised in IRGS-style: needs follow up in the field.
Advanced geological mapping has been completed by Ryan Gold staff. Grab samples
returned assays up to 8.84 g/t Au.This is again a drill ready target.
Ancient Hotspot
- The Pluto property is one of the largest in the portfolio, being some 35km x
25km in size.
- Property has completed early stage exploration, including soils, mapping and
- Airborne geophysics identified property-scale arcuate features in the
northeastern portion of the property, aligning with volcanic units in the field.
Could these be ring dykes?
- There is a greater theory of the existence of the ‘Carmacks Caldera’, a crater
formed as the North American plate drifted over the Yellowstone hotspot.
- Mineralisation associated with skarn layers that appear to be passing through
the topography.
- Drill ready to test extent of skarn under the hilltops.
- A total of 15,908 soils samples were collected over the property, with the
strongest anomaly in the northeast corner.
- The anomalies are roughly aligned with topography, in bands associating with
carbonate skarn geology in the field.
- The highest grade soil sample from the entire Ryan Gold program was collected
here, at 15.43 g/t Au. Grab samples from the same area included 7.11 g/t Au.
- In total, five anomalous zones have been identified, covering an area of 41
- Neighbouring properties with similar geology includes Klaza (Rockhaven
Resources – 45km to northeast)
- inferred mineral resource estimate including 9.5Mt grading 4.48g/t Au,
89.02g/t Ag, 0.75% Pb and 0.95% Zn in a carbonate skarn system.
Golden Oly
Buried Treasure
Picture5The Golden-Oly project has exciting potential to be a series of plutons
hosting Intrusion Related Gold systems. Airborne geophysical survey highlighted
six anomalies that were later determined to be buried or partially exhumed
intrusions. Additional anomaly on neighbouring Strikepoint PDM property. Buried
plutons would still have their mineralised carapace intact, making them exciting
drill targets. Sheeted veins of polymetallic minerals have been sampled by Ryan
Gold staff in 2011/12, further reinforcing the IRGS model. Grades up to 4.1 g/t
Au and >100g/t Ag found on the Nug claims. No major soil anomalies due to mantle
of sediments repressing signature, but where the plutons daylight, strongly
anomalous soils have been observed. It has to be remembered that Victoria Gold’s
Eagle deposit also had little to no surficial geochemical signature. Largely
road accessible from Ross River, with final hop to sites currently by
Kluane Area, Southwest Yukon
Beside the Pluto (including Venus) property, there are an additional ten
properties in the Kluane region. These have had extensive soil programs
completed, and at least some basic mapping / grab sampling.
Geologically based primarily in and around Kluane Schist and Ruby Range
Batholith contact zones.
6,731 soil samples taken, grading up to 2.54g/t Au
2,202 soils sample taken, grading up to 2.92g/t Au
1,291 soil samples taken, grading up to 1.81g/t Au
Garnet / Topaz
2,116 soil samples taken, grading up to 0.9g/t Au
1,038 soil samples taken, grading up to 1.12g/t Au
(Note: Arm is currently under option with G4G Capital Corp.)
Mayo / Dawson Area, central Yukon
The primary additional target in the Mayo / Dawson area is Ryan Gold’s former
flagship project, Ida Oro.
- Total claim block in good standing due to historic exploration expenditures by
Ryan Gold (some valid to 2029).
32,869 soil samples taken from entire claim group, grading up to 2.77g/t Au.
- Exploration activity focused on central Ida Oro claim group, with 28 drill
holes in 2012, totalling 7,525m in length.
- Three zones identified: Io North, Ganymede and Europa.
- Low-grade Au deposit with narrow higher grade intervals. Ag also locally
McQ property consists of 4,563 soil samples, grading to 0.33g/t Au. Low grade
but local drainage is source of some of the best placer deposits in region.
Ross River Area, eastern Yukon
The Golden-Oly property is the largest in the Ross River area, but there are 7
smaller targets situated along the border between the Yukon and the Northwest
All these properties have has soil sampling (ridge and spur and / or grids), and
at least some cursory geological mapping.
208 soil samples taken, grading up to 2.42g/t Au
Airborne geophysical survey flown in 2012
1,256 soil samples taken, grading up to 1.57g/t Au
175 soil samples taken, grading up to 0.53g/t Au
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